GWR Mink"B"No.125814
W125814 was built at Swindon in 1925 Diagram V23. It differs from the mink "A" in having vacuum operated automatic brakes fitted and a much plainer style of door. Whether either of these are original I don't know. It is painted in BR bauxite livery that denoted it's "vacuum fitted" status, whereas the other's pale grey denoted "unfitted". It is now disguised as B753100, which was built in Swindon by BR in 1948 to a Great Western Design, with plywood sides. We copied this to save on restoration costs. As is obvious, it was very derelict when we bought it, so savings had to be made to make it financially viable. It came by the same route as 104700, i.e. GWR, BR(W), PLA, DVR, SDR, and now SDDT.